AC efficiency in Jeffersonville, IN

Is My AC Costing Me Too Much Money in Jeffersonville, IN?

July 9, 2021

Ignoring telltale signs that your HVAC unit is failing is dangerous. A failing system reduces efficiency and raises energy costs. Below are the signs that your HVAC system may be costing you too much money in your Jeffersonville, IN, home.

High Energy Bills

Unless your home utility company has increased its rates, high energy bills are among the most common signs that the HVAC unit is losing efficiency. Although regular wear and tear of the system will cause a small spike in utility costs, your energy bills should always be consistent.

It would be best to regularly compare your monthly billing rate since this will hint at whether the AC unit is working efficiently. In addition, aging components of the unit will cause an increase in energy costs because the system tends to run longer cycles.

The HVAC System Is Approaching the End of Its Lifespan

You should know how old your HVAC system is because a system that has run its course will begin to lose efficiency. Compared to traditional equipment, modern AC units tend to be more energy-efficient due to development in technology.

Most HVAC systems have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years, according to the Environment Protection Agency. Modern heating and cooling systems have a stricter SEER rating that promotes high efficiency, reducing the operational costs in your home.

Constant Scheduling of Repair Services

To ensure that your HVAC system works efficiently, scheduling regular maintenance and prompt repair services is important. However, frequent calls to your HVAC technician signals that your unit is wearing out.

A failing unit will draw excess energy to compensate for the failing components. Therefore, it would be best if you considered replacing your AC when it starts demanding frequent major tune-ups or repairs.

Low Refrigerant Levels

Abnormally low refrigerant levels will reduce the efficiency of your AC unit. This will make the system work harder to maintain comfortable temperatures during the summer and winter months in your Jeffersonville, IN, home.

Low refrigerant levels are usually due to leaks, and this often needs immediate repair. If you reside in Jeffersonville, IN, you should contact our technicians at Lamb’s Heating & Air Conditioning and schedule HVAC installation, maintenance, or repair services.

Image provided by iStock

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