Air Purifiers in Floyds Knobs, IN

3 Benefits of Air Purifiers in Floyds Knobs, IN

July 12, 2024

Air purifiers are excellent home comfort tools. They remove pollutants from the air in your Floyds Knobs, IN, home, making them valuable supplements to your HVAC system that can greatly contribute to building a welcoming environment. Here are three practical benefits of investing in a whole-home air purifier.

1. Fewer Allergy Symptoms

Having allergies can be particularly frustrating, especially in the summer, when so many plants are in full bloom. Having furry pets around the house only compounds this problem. Even if you’re lucky enough not to suffer from allergies, prolonged and repeated exposure to high quantities of allergens may eventually overload your respiratory system.

Of course, thoroughly washing your pets, dusting your home and closing your windows during the worst phases of allergy season are all important ways of minimizing this burden. However, air purifiers add an extra layer of defense.

2. Reduced Likelihood of Diseases

Low indoor air quality (IAQ) may greatly raise your risk of falling victim to a wide variety of respiratory diseases. These may be mild, like the common cold, or severe, like lung cancer. Respiratory symptoms that fall short of disease, like sneezing or an itchy throat, will also rear their ugly heads if you spend too much time inhaling dirty air.

This being the case, all tools that remove airborne pollutants will reduce the above risks. Air purifiers are no exception.

3. Better HVAC Performance

By dividing the responsibility for cleaning your home’s air with your HVAC system, air purifiers help limit wear and tear on your equipment. This matters because if pollutants stick to your HVAC system’s ducts, filters, coils, compressor, or other parts, they will impede its performance.

Excessive dirt, dust, and debris can increase your need for repairs and shorten your system’s lifespan. To further neutralize such difficulties, you should schedule regular HVAC maintenance.

Air purifiers have the power to resolve home IAQ issues that your HVAC system’s filters can’t tackle on their own. They can make your daily life in Floyds Knobs, IN, healthier and more relaxing. To enjoy their many benefits, call Lamb’s Heating & Air Conditioning and ask for our IAQ services.

Image provided by iStock

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